Test markup
This is a document for orgmode hacking, markup testing, and HTML/LaTeX export testing. Everything below is nonsense for testing various things, or notes on what does and doesn't work.
It's also a good reference sometimes when I forget how things work.
This is a bad header for CUSTOM_ID generation (anchors can't start with a number). It's here to test that feature fails to generate a suitable ID.
Nobody told me about this feature before. What does it do in various exports?
simple pre-formatted text
here's a multiline one line 2 line 3
A link to a header in another file
This link will end up pointing to an org generated CUSTOM_ID instead of the updated one that uses better headline text. I need to fix this.
It's possible that the proper ID doesn't exist at the time this link gets processed as data/backup.org hasn't been processed yet. Will think on it some more.
Check out Diagram
We can cheat (assuming the generated anchor):
Check out #diagram Check out zfs common tasks
This probably doesn't work in TeX/PDF generation though.
try this a test link in a headline
Some placeholder text and some other text
This is where I describe generals about this document
Then we describe each section
change for testing..
A little bug in SRC blocks
This block has language set to 'conf'. Several links in angle brackets are there, but the key seems to be that subsequent lines start with '#'. Then the html export does some bonkers things. Note how the # become links. Also the URLs aren't terminating with the '>', so each link URL is actually the rest of the source block.
Here's the same thing with language text. Produces a single link over the whole block contents.
<http://> # <http://> # <http://>
And then with no language set. No link.
Uh oh. Why is this src block getting the example styling? I guess I never tested this before. (TODO : fix this)
<http://> # <http://> # <http://>
Something deep
The Second
The Third
Great clouds overhead
Tiny black birds rise and fall
Snow covers Emacs
It is said that composition is the most important aspect of a photograph. I disagree. An intriguing interplay of light and shadows can make a discarded candy wrapper look profound. An unflattering light makes even the most expertly framed scenery look pedestrian and dull.
— MC Hammer
Why, yes, Captain. Didn't you just say to go… —Smee
Test Links
A regular list
- things
- may
- not
- work
- out
A description list
- Paris
- France
- Warsaw
- Poland
- Berlin
- Germany
- Budapest
- Hungary
- Madrid
- Spain
Yes, Pizza please
This has a NAME "hax". NAME gets added as an ID on the <pre> element in HTML, but does nothing in TeX. It also has a caption now.
apt-cache search dwarf-fortress
This has a CAPTION "stax". CAPTION does nothing in HTML, but works in TeX. It should probably produce a <label class="org-src-name"> like listings do. TODO
dwarf-fortress - Slaves to Armok: God of Blood Chapter II: Dwarf Fortress dwarf-fortress-data - Dwarf Fortress data files
Test some source code
#include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("Hello, World!"); return 0; }
How I want to write a gallery
Sometimes these thumbnails don't match the image. That's because:
- new copies of the same image get the same name
- the image appears in the next gallery with a crop applied
- tens of copies of 'convert' are racing each other
- sometimes the racing 'convert' processes can produce an empty file
Another gallery with some crops, and a red rectanle, arrows were already there
Now make these pull files into the publishing dir
crop a photo without a gallery
Figure 3: This is a cropped glider bike (front half)
crop a svg just because (should become a jpg)
Figure 4: glider, bottom row
A large PNG file (make this fit the page width)
eneloop batteries cropped and having a red rectangle
Figure 5: This is a some eneloops with a red rectangle drawn on
space invader, I will never want to shoot you
Figure 6: So many modifications, a crop, a red rect, and solid black rect