
Kitty is an ok performing alternative to urxvt. It lacks scrollabars which sucks.

Listing 1: ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:ft=conf:foldmethod=marker

#: Fonts 
font_family      Hack Regular
bold_font        Hack Bold
italic_font      Hack Italic
bold_italic_font Hack Bold Italic
font_size 8
adjust_line_height  0
adjust_column_width 0
#box_drawing_scale 0.001, 1, 1.5, 2

#: Cursor customization 
cursor_shape block
cursor_blink_interval      0.5
cursor_stop_blinking_after 15.0

#: Scrollback 
scrollback_lines 5000
scrollback_pager less --chop-long-lines --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS +INPUT_LINE_NUMBER
scrollback_pager_history_size 0
wheel_scroll_multiplier 5.0
touch_scroll_multiplier 5.0

#: Mouse 
url_style curly
open_url_modifiers ctrl
open_url_with default
copy_on_select yes
rectangle_select_modifiers ctrl+alt
select_by_word_characters :@-./_~?&=%+#
click_interval -1.0
mouse_hide_wait 3.0
focus_follows_mouse no

#: Performance tuning 
repaint_delay 10
input_delay 3
sync_to_monitor yes

#: Terminal bell 
enable_audio_bell no
visual_bell_duration 0.0
window_alert_on_bell yes
bell_on_tab yes

#: Window layout 
remember_window_size  no
initial_window_width  640
initial_window_height 400
enabled_layouts *
window_resize_step_cells 2
window_resize_step_lines 2
window_border_width 1.0
draw_minimal_borders yes
window_margin_width 0.0
single_window_margin_width -1000.0
window_padding_width 0.0 
inactive_text_alpha 1.0 
hide_window_decorations no
active_border_color #00ff00 
inactive_border_color #cccccc 
bell_border_color #ff5a00 

#: Tab bar 
tab_bar_edge bottom
tab_bar_margin_width 0.0
tab_bar_style fade
tab_fade 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
tab_separator " ┇"
tab_title_template {title}
active_tab_foreground   #000
active_tab_background   #eee
active_tab_font_style   bold-italic
inactive_tab_foreground #444
inactive_tab_background #999
inactive_tab_font_style normal

#: Color scheme 
cursor #E8E8E2
cursor_text_color #1B1D1E
url_color #66D9EF

background_opacity         1.0
dynamic_background_opacity no
dim_opacity 0.75
background           #1B1D1E
foreground           #E8E8E2
selection_background #E8E8E2
selection_foreground #1B1D1E
color0               #333333
color1               #C4265E
color2               #2AD043
color3               #FA9429
color4               #6A7EC8
color5               #8C6BC8
color8               #56ADBC
color6               #E3E3DD
color7               #666666
color9               #F92672
color10              #63DE5D
color11              #FFBA68
color12              #819AFF
color13              #AE81FF
color14              #66D9EF
color15              #E8E8E2

#: Advanced
shell .
editor .
close_on_child_death no
allow_remote_control no
startup_session none
clipboard_control write-clipboard write-primary
term xterm-kitty

#: Keyboard shortcuts 

#: For a list of key names, see: GLFW keys
#: http://www.glfw.org/docs/latest/group__keys.html.
#: The name to use : is the part after the GLFW_KEY_ prefix.
#: For a list of modifier names, see: GLFW mods
#: http://www.glfw.org/docs/latest/group__mods.html

#: On Linux you can also use XKB key names to bind keys that are not
#: supported by GLFW. See XKB keys
#: https://github.com/xkbcommon/libxkbcommon/blob/master/xkbcommon/xkbcommon-keysyms.h
#: for a list of key names. The name to use is the part
#: after the XKB_KEY_ prefix. Note that you should only use an XKB key
#: name for keys that are not present in the list of GLFW keys.
kitty_mod ctrl+shift
clear_all_shortcuts no
map kitty_mod+c copy_to_clipboard
map kitty_mod+v  paste_from_clipboard
map kitty_mod+s  paste_from_selection
map shift+insert paste_from_selection
map kitty_mod+o  pass_selection_to_program

#: Scrolling 
map kitty_mod+up        scroll_line_up
map kitty_mod+k         scroll_line_up
map kitty_mod+down      scroll_line_down
map kitty_mod+j         scroll_line_down
map kitty_mod+page_up   scroll_page_up
map kitty_mod+page_down scroll_page_down
map kitty_mod+home      scroll_home
map kitty_mod+end       scroll_end
map kitty_mod+h         show_scrollback

#: Window management 
map kitty_mod+enter new_window
map kitty_mod+n new_os_window
map kitty_mod+w close_window
map kitty_mod+] next_window
map kitty_mod+[ previous_window
map kitty_mod+f move_window_forward
map kitty_mod+b move_window_backward
map kitty_mod+` move_window_to_top
map kitty_mod+r start_resizing_window
map kitty_mod+1 first_window
map kitty_mod+2 second_window
map kitty_mod+3 third_window
map kitty_mod+4 fourth_window
map kitty_mod+5 fifth_window
map kitty_mod+6 sixth_window
map kitty_mod+7 seventh_window
map kitty_mod+8 eighth_window
map kitty_mod+9 ninth_window
map kitty_mod+0 tenth_window

#: Tab management 
map kitty_mod+right next_tab
map kitty_mod+left  previous_tab
map kitty_mod+t     new_tab
map kitty_mod+q     close_tab
map kitty_mod+.     move_tab_forward
map kitty_mod+,     move_tab_backward
map kitty_mod+alt+t set_tab_title
map kitty_mod+l next_layout

#: Font sizes 
map kitty_mod+equal     change_font_size all +2.0
map kitty_mod+minus     change_font_size all -2.0
map kitty_mod+backspace change_font_size all 0

map kitty_mod+delete clear_terminal reset active