Alacritty is an ok performing alternative to urxvt
. It lacks scrollabars which sucks. The configuration live reloading is nice.
Listing 1: ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml
dimensions: columns: 80 lines: 60 decorations: full dynamic_title: true scrolling: history: 10000 font: normal: family: Hack style: Regular bold: family: Hack style: Bold italic: family: Hack style: Italic bold_italic: family: Hack style: Bold Italic size: 8 draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors: true # monokai colors: primary: background: '#1B1D1E' foreground: '#E8E8E2' cursor: text: '#1B1D1E' cursor: '#E8E8E2' normal: black: '#333333' red: '#C4265E' green: '#2AD043' yellow: '#FA9429' blue: '#6A7EC8' magenta: '#8C6BC8' cyan: '#56ADBC' white: '#E3E3DD' bright: black: '#666666' red: '#F92672' green: '#63DE5D' yellow: '#FFBA68' blue: '#819AFF' magenta: '#AE81FF' cyan: '#66D9EF' white: '#E8E8E2' bell: duration: 0 selection: save_to_clipboard: true cursor: style: block blinking: off unfocused_hollow: true thickness: 0.15 live_config_reload: true alt_send_esc: true key_bindings: - { key: Grave, mods: Control, action: SpawnNewInstance }