PosX Evo USB Barcode Scanner

Table of Contents


The PosX scanner has mostly sane defaults. There are a few things I like to configure like disabling the beep, and sometimes changing the terminator.

Here are some useful settings from the manual:

Beep levels

beep_low.png Beep Low
beep_off.png Beep Off

Entry terminator

terminator_cr.png Carriage Return only
terminator_lf.png Linefeed only
terminator_crlf.png Both
terminator_space.png Space
terminator_tab.png Tab

Scanning mode

trigger_mode.png Scan when trigger is pressed
continuous_mode.png Always scanning


reset.png Reset
usb.png Set USB cable/protocol mode
clear_pre_post.png Clear pre/postamble
enable_all_code.png Scan any supported codes

Xorg config to set US layout

Specify layout because the scan codes need to correspond to qwerty layout.

Listing 1: /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-barcode-scanner.conf
Section "InputClass"
        Identifier      "various barcode scanner us layout"
        MatchIsKeyboard "on"
        MatchProduct    "607 PS/2-Cable To USB Converter V:2.2|CodeXML Modem|The Code Corporation Code Corporation Code Reader 2500"
        Option  "XkbLayout"     "us"