
Table of Contents

Samba hosts a transfer share with write access, a read only share, and a share for game installers/files. Accounts are setup manually via:

smbpasswd -a <username>

Restart smbd for user changes to take effect.

I previously used libpam-smbpass to sync unix passwords, but it's not available in Debian buster. This meets my requirements though.

Listing 1: /etc/samba/smb.conf
#======================= Global Settings =======================


## Browsing/Identification ###

# Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of
   workgroup = WORKGROUP

#### Networking ####

interfaces =
bind interfaces only = yes
hosts allow =
hosts deny =

#### Debugging/Accounting ####
   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
   max log size = 1000
   logging = file
   panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d

####### Authentication #######

   server role = standalone server
   obey pam restrictions = yes
   unix password sync = yes
   passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
   passwd chat = *Enter\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *password\supdated\ssuccessfully* .
   pam password change = yes
   map to guest = Bad User
############ Misc ############

   usershare allow guests = no

#======================= Share Definitions =======================

   comment = video_iso
   read only = yes
   locking = no
   path = /path/to/iso
   guest ok = no

   comment = Transfer
   read only = no
   locking = no
   path = /path/to/transfer
   guest ok = no

   comment = Share
   read only = yes
   locking = no
   path = /path/to/share
   guest ok = yes

   comment = Games
   read only = yes
   locking = no
   path = /path/to/games
   guest ok = yes

   comment = MP3
   read only = yes
   locking = no
   path = /path/to/mp3
   guest ok = yes

Samba with MIT Kerberos Support

An attempt at extending my Kerberos setup to Samba. Incomplete.

Rebuild Debian package

Install dependencies and fetch samba source

sudo apt-get build-dep samba
sudo apt install libkrb5-dev

In directory of your choice:

apt-get source samba

Modify build

Debian build requries a number of changes to remove heimdall related artifacts, and enable MIT kerberos. I used this dockerfile as a reference for changes.

Remove install references with this command from the debian directory:

for i in libHDB-SAMBA4.so.0 libhdb-samba4.so.11 libhdb-samba4.so.11.0.2 libkdc-samba4.so.2 libkdc-samba4.so.2.0.0 libasn1-samba4.so.8 libasn1-samba4.so.8.0.0 libcom_err-samba4.so.0 libcom_err-samba4.so.0.25 libgssapi-samba4.so.2 libgssapi-samba4.so.2.0.0 libhcrypto-samba4.so.5 libhcrypto-samba4.so.5.0.1 libheimbase-samba4.so.1 libheimbase-samba4.so.1.0.0 libheimntlm-samba4.so.1 libheimntlm-samba4.so.1.0.1 libhx509-samba4.so.5 libhx509-samba4.so.5.0.0 libkrb5-samba4.so.26 libkrb5-samba4.so.26.0.0 libroken-samba4.so.19 libroken-samba4.so.19.0.1 libwind-samba4.so.0 libwind-samba4.so.0.0.0; do find . -type f | grep install | xargs -I '{}' sed -i "/${i}/d" '{}'; done;

Run dch and add a changelog entry if you like.

Add libkrb5-dev and krb5-kdc to debian/control Build-Depends

Listing 2: debian/control (excerpt)
Build-Depends: bison,
               zlib1g-dev (>= 1:1.2.3),
               libkrb5-dev (>= 1.15.1),
               krb5-kdc (>= 1.15.1)

In debian/rules add these arguments to the conf_args variable:

Listing 3: debian/rules (excerpt)
conf_args = \
      ... \
      --with-system-mitkrb5 \

In debian/rules remove these heimdall related bundled libraries:


My resulting line looks like:

Listing 4: debian/rules (excerpt)

Add new files to an install file:

Listing 5: debian/samba.install (excerpt)

Build the package

debuild -i -us -uc

Setting up an AD DC